Sunday, 16 October 2011

16/10/2011 London, Barking

Sunday 16/10/2011

I located most of what I need yesterday, apart from a good restaurant for dinner. Lots of take-away places but all near the Railway station and decidedly "greasy". McDonalds was the choice of last resort last night(that or the local crowded/noisy Pub). The Hotel room was decidedly cold when I got back and I checked with the front desk for "heater instructions". I was told there was problems with the boiler (?); this was from a Desk Clerk in a well-heated reception area in a new building.

Last time I was given that excuse was in a Hotel in the USA where they were simply saving money at the guests expense. I will see how it goes but I may have to move (or move rooms if there are actually heated rooms in the Hotel). Monday before I go to the NHM I will check with the usual management (weekends you get the "B" team)!

I have booked a Sunday roast lunch at the Apprentices Cafe, and when I went past the hairdresser they had a sign that they were open on Sunday. I used the Laundrette this morning to ensure I had some clean shirts for next weeks NHM visits (consequently I have damp socks and undies on my window sill) and called past the Hairdresser to establish opening times/costs. I will go back after my "roast lunch".

In the meantime I am using the Library WiFi to transfer data-files to JCU Cairns, as a backup safeguard. An interesting mix of customers in the Library from young kids through to "polytechnic" students; i.e., accountancy and the like.

[Later] I had a magic 10 pound British Roast Lamb Sunday Lunch. Pea and mint soup, roast lamb with veges, and a peach crumble with custard. Topped off with a cup of English Breakfast tea! I then went to the hairdressers and had my hair cut. My hair cut was "butchered" in Paris and not treated much better here. The double crown defeats them for some reason and my hair frizzes up on the right-hand at the back; a perennial problem but is "suppressed" by my normal barbers. Yin-yan, balance the good with the bad.

For dinner/supper I picked up some take-away pea&mint soup from where I had lunch. I am not really hungry but that soup was very nice.

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