Friday 9/9/2011, Museum closed.
I spent the day wrestling with the Lit review. I got the first paragraph worked out and the concept for the manuscript about right. Now I have to flesh it out and do the citation/referencing properly. Not much written but I am progressing. I went out for food at lunch but that was about it for the sight seeing. I received an Email from Alice Lemaire saying the central Library will now be open on the Friday afternoons, so I can work there all next week before leaving Paris on the following Monday (19th of September).
I did some major organizing for the post-Ghent period. I sent an Email to Vienna requesting a date/time to view the Bauer archive, and I contacted Imperial college re possible accommodation back in London for two weeks prior to flying home. I have decided that I can get more value chasing up the Mathew Flinders voyage artwork (which did at least visit Queensland). The Ferdinand Bauer paintings may be the way for me to go rather than concentrating on Lesueur. In both cases however I have only done the reconnaissance on what was available and will probably need to come back for a detailed study, now I know what to look for and at! I will have a lot of images so I may have enough.
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