Friday, 16 September 2011

Friday 16/09/2011, Paris


Today was one of my "strange things happen" days. I decided on breakfast at the Maison Espanol, which was worth every centime of the 2.8 euro they charged me, for the coffee alone.

I then headed out to collect a debt for a friend. The short story is that they rented an apartment and sent a cheque for the whole rental as requested, but this supposedly did not arrive, so they paid in cash (Euros) again when they got to Paris. Then the bank informed them that the cheque had been cashed. They had paid twice!

The landlord said it would cost too much to transfer the money back but they could pick-up the cash (Euros) in person from his office; they were out of the country by that time. I volunteered to do the collection and get the cash back to them somehow. I still have a month in Europe then two-weeks in the UK so the easiest way is for me to use the money rather than draw out ATM funds. I simply transfer the equivalent "exchange rate adjusted" amount in A$ to their Australian account.

The office was across the other side of Paris (and Paris is not a small city) but I used Google map and the local transport maps to work out a route that only required two buses (i.e., one change of lines but a bit of walking). The changes are always where you foul up because the exact location/position of the bus-stop usually requires local knowledge.

Ultimately I found the office and introduced myself. We double counted the money, he then me, and I put the euros (450 in 20 euro bill's, plus one 10) into my money belt and was off. All very business-like! I left the office carrying a reasonable amount of cash, so I was looking over my shoulder the whole way. I went nowhere near the Metro, which can be "hazardous" at the best of times.
It was actually fortuitous the way I made my "get-away". I retraced the zig-zag path down side-streets to the bus stop, made the lights so crossed to the opposite bus stop (going back), where my Number 43 bus was jammed behind a stopped car. I waved my Navigo card and the driver let me on, a rare event in itself! Last person to board, therefore no-one could possibly have followed me on foot. I jumped off just short of the Gare Saint-Lazare station and stepped straight onto an Number 21 bus to the Cite' Universitaire. Le Carre could not have scripted it better!

A sandwich for lunch (the morning was gone) and I did my laundry prior to the trip to Adge. Talked to the other floor residents and to the front-desk staff re "buying cheap jeans". I am off to the department store(?) at Place d'Italia tomorrow. Google map time again.

This afternoon I checked my emails and still no reply from Vienna. I am going to have to wing-it and just book my train tickets and accommodation in Vienna while I still have Internet access. Hopefully this will not be wasted. I will also book my trip back to London via EuroStar, 2nd class this time.

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