Friday, 4 September 2015

4/9/2015 Paris

4/9/2015 Paris (Last day)

As planned a fairly lazy last day at the Cite. I checked with the front office of the Maison regarding inspections etc before/when I leave tomorrow morning. I just have to hand in my key-card to security on the way out, as there will be no office staff on the weekend, and therefore no inspection needed.

I had breakfast and lunch (full 2-3 course meal) at the Spanish Maison, taking a leisurely stroll around the grounds/park on the way there and back. Then I did my laundry and started packing my suitcase for the flight. First step was to sort the accumulated papers, maps, information sheets into what I needed to take back with me. Between the paperwork, the nostalgic "tour",  and playing with the computer the morning "went".

Laundry had the inevitable "glitch" despite working perfectly the previous two times I used the machines. Basically I put in my coins, set the dials, pressed "go" and it ate the coins but nothing happened. Front desk said they would report it but nothing could be done until Monday! After I explained that I leave tomorrow morning, one of the ladies came round to the laundry room with me and we retraced the steps, she put in her money and the damn thing worked!! At least I have a suitcase full of clean underwear and socks if searched by the KGB.

Afternoon was basically more of the same; checking through the Travel agents instructions and doing some Internet searching of St Petersburg. The weather has turned grey again (it rained last night), but I had an excellent sunny "last morning" for my walk around the Cite park.

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