The saga continues. After getting back to Cairns in late December and clearing the backlog of bills, deferred medical appointments, and tax returns, the rains started in Northern NSW and there was a number of storm events with major flooding in Lismore but also in Brisbane. So much rain fell that hill sides started slipping. Major mudslides throughout Northern Rivers including the slopes behind my Studio. Access Roads were out so I could not get into the co-op but members emailed photos and it was a muddy mess with trees down and rocks carried all the way down from the ridge, The excavator was on the property for road repair, so I contracted him to clear my site of trees and rocks and to push as much mud as possible downhill. He also dredged the Dam, as well as digging out the Studio and tanks. Friends cleared the 10cm of mud from the ground floor but I will need to do extensive repairs when the Studio and home-site dries out.
The irony is that SCU contacted me to say they will try again for a graduation ceremony in November!!!!